

After SEE Jorakay has launched a Facebook page to be a platform for design inspiration and updates for a while, we have received a warm welcome from everybody since we have lots of messages in the inbox asking about our products. In this time, we have rounded up 5 frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you know about our products better.


1. How many products are in Natural Color from SEE Jorakay and how each of them can be used?
Answer: The products in Natural Color group consist of:
1. ‘Biosphere’ White paint for the exterior.
2. ‘Ecosphere’ White paint for the interior.
3. ‘Graf Clean’ Color paint for both interior and exterior, with 980 colors for the interior, and 322 colors for the exterior.


2. SEE Jorakay product is NON VOCs. But what is ‘NON VOCs’?
Answer: VOCs is abbreviated from Volatile Organic Compounds, a hazardous chemical substance which allows the paint to dry and cure easily. Since SEE Jorakay is NON VOCs, it means that the products will surely be safe for you.


3. Is it true that SEE Jorakay does not leave a sharp adour after applying?
Answer: True. Since SEE Jorakay paint products are NON VOCs, there will be no sharp adour releasing from the paint, allowing you to use the space in 24 hours after applying the paint.


4. How could I prepare the wall surface for painting?
Answer: If there is a paint on the wall already, first we recommend removing the old paint and grease off the surface, then applying primer to your wall. Wait for 24 hours and then you can paint the wall.


5. How could I order SEE Jorakay products?
Answer: You could order SEE Jorakay products from the website ( and we will provide a delivery service. Moreover, you can also purchase the products from the construction material stores.

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Biosphere Premium


Ecosphere Premium

Ecosphere Premium

GrafClean Premium

GrafClean Premium